Wednesday, November 28, 2012

TypeR 1.1 is now officially released!

Yay yay yay yay.
It's 11/28/12, and now i'm proud to release TypeR 1.1! It has several new features, a list of which is below.
Click here to start using it!
Thanks to everyone who gave feedback. :)

What's new?
  • Added clear text button
    • ESC key is a shortcut for this
      • This worked in 1.0 as well
  • Added a copy all button
    • Uses zClip
    • Keyboard shortcut ctrl+c works
  • Added paste
    • The button only works in IE (ironically)
    • The keyboard shortcut ctrl+v works in all browsers
  • Redo and undo
  • Prompt before leaving the page
  • Shows a large key when hovering over a key
  • Cursor color has been changed to #333333 (some sort of gray)
  • Provided a version to be run locally - see
  • Intro message in the middle is now shown at the bottom
  • Reduced filesize by changing HTML onclick attributes to jQuery
  • Started using JavaScript objects more, instead of arrays
I hope everyone finds it useful!!

Friday, November 23, 2012

I'm developing a hash (encryption) called RMH (Remove/Mathematical Hash)

This is a new encryption (hash) created by yours truly. (Wondering what exactly is a hash, and what it can be used for? Scroll down!) Hashes such as MD5 and SHA1 do bitwise operations to create their hashes. SHA1 is 40 characters, while each character is 1 out of 16 options (0-9,a-f). This is 1640 (1.4615016e+48) possible permutations.
Enter RMH. RMH does mathematical and string operations on the entered text. Then it gives a 30 character long string, 0-9,a-z,A-Z (base 62). This is 6230 (5.9122213e+53) permutations! That's 5.9122067e+53 more than SHA1!

The RMH algorithm isn't stable enough yet to be used for real purposes, but my hopes are that it will be!

One plus bits have over strings is that the hash will also work on files.

What is a hash?

A hash is a non-reversible encryption. This means, it turns plain text into gibberish, and you should not be able to figure out the original text. This is different from encoding, where you are meant to reverse it.
What's the use of encrypting something so that it can never be read? To store passwords securely in a database, for one. Example:
Website A and website B each have a user account system. Website A hashes their users' passwords in the database, while B doesn't. Hackers steal both website's databases. Now, they can get at anyone's account on B, because the passwords are plain in there. But for A, they can't.
To log in the user, sites simply check the hashed input against the value in their database.

If you're hashing files, it's usually to create a digital signature. So, when you download a program, you can check the hash you get from it against the official hash, to make sure your program wasn't pirated.

TypeR 1.1 is now a release candidate!

I'm moving TypeR 1.1 out of "beta" and into "release candidate"! This means all the bugs should be fixed. I just got one before making this change.

The scheduled release of TypeR 1.1 is November 28th, 2012. Woohoo!
Please just go through it for one last time, to make sure there aren't any more bugs. :)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Hopefully that's all of the bugs

I think i fixed all of the bugs in TypeR 1.1. There are a couple things that i don't think i need to bother with right now. One is a minor error in the console, the other is more of a feature (though missing features can be bugs).

Next week i'll put it into release-candidate. Woohoo!

Remember, please report bugs still found!!

Monday, November 12, 2012

100 commits to my repo!

I made it to 100 commits to my SVN repository! That's pretty nice!

The 100th commit was adding the cursor color changed to the release notes for TypeR 1.1.

The repo is hosted on SourceForge, at

TypeR 1.1 is now in beta

Even though i didn't get much feedback about the alpha, i'm pushing to beta. Beta means it is "feature-complete" - no new features will be added now. It should also be pretty stable. I'll be working on fixing up bugs in it. Projected release is early December.

I know of the following bugs:
  • cursor moving doesn't always work correctly
  • using ctrl+tab adds a tab to the list
  • tabs don't show correctly
  • pressing a shift, control, or alt gives the following error in the JS console: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: #key- @
  • the "opening message" shown in the output doesn't show
  • pasting with nekudot parses the nekudot as characters

Remember, please give feedback and bugs!! A list of new features is available at