Wednesday, November 28, 2012

TypeR 1.1 is now officially released!

Yay yay yay yay.
It's 11/28/12, and now i'm proud to release TypeR 1.1! It has several new features, a list of which is below.
Click here to start using it!
Thanks to everyone who gave feedback. :)

What's new?
  • Added clear text button
    • ESC key is a shortcut for this
      • This worked in 1.0 as well
  • Added a copy all button
    • Uses zClip
    • Keyboard shortcut ctrl+c works
  • Added paste
    • The button only works in IE (ironically)
    • The keyboard shortcut ctrl+v works in all browsers
  • Redo and undo
  • Prompt before leaving the page
  • Shows a large key when hovering over a key
  • Cursor color has been changed to #333333 (some sort of gray)
  • Provided a version to be run locally - see
  • Intro message in the middle is now shown at the bottom
  • Reduced filesize by changing HTML onclick attributes to jQuery
  • Started using JavaScript objects more, instead of arrays
I hope everyone finds it useful!!

Friday, November 23, 2012

I'm developing a hash (encryption) called RMH (Remove/Mathematical Hash)

This is a new encryption (hash) created by yours truly. (Wondering what exactly is a hash, and what it can be used for? Scroll down!) Hashes such as MD5 and SHA1 do bitwise operations to create their hashes. SHA1 is 40 characters, while each character is 1 out of 16 options (0-9,a-f). This is 1640 (1.4615016e+48) possible permutations.
Enter RMH. RMH does mathematical and string operations on the entered text. Then it gives a 30 character long string, 0-9,a-z,A-Z (base 62). This is 6230 (5.9122213e+53) permutations! That's 5.9122067e+53 more than SHA1!

The RMH algorithm isn't stable enough yet to be used for real purposes, but my hopes are that it will be!

One plus bits have over strings is that the hash will also work on files.

What is a hash?

A hash is a non-reversible encryption. This means, it turns plain text into gibberish, and you should not be able to figure out the original text. This is different from encoding, where you are meant to reverse it.
What's the use of encrypting something so that it can never be read? To store passwords securely in a database, for one. Example:
Website A and website B each have a user account system. Website A hashes their users' passwords in the database, while B doesn't. Hackers steal both website's databases. Now, they can get at anyone's account on B, because the passwords are plain in there. But for A, they can't.
To log in the user, sites simply check the hashed input against the value in their database.

If you're hashing files, it's usually to create a digital signature. So, when you download a program, you can check the hash you get from it against the official hash, to make sure your program wasn't pirated.

TypeR 1.1 is now a release candidate!

I'm moving TypeR 1.1 out of "beta" and into "release candidate"! This means all the bugs should be fixed. I just got one before making this change.

The scheduled release of TypeR 1.1 is November 28th, 2012. Woohoo!
Please just go through it for one last time, to make sure there aren't any more bugs. :)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Hopefully that's all of the bugs

I think i fixed all of the bugs in TypeR 1.1. There are a couple things that i don't think i need to bother with right now. One is a minor error in the console, the other is more of a feature (though missing features can be bugs).

Next week i'll put it into release-candidate. Woohoo!

Remember, please report bugs still found!!

Monday, November 12, 2012

100 commits to my repo!

I made it to 100 commits to my SVN repository! That's pretty nice!

The 100th commit was adding the cursor color changed to the release notes for TypeR 1.1.

The repo is hosted on SourceForge, at

TypeR 1.1 is now in beta

Even though i didn't get much feedback about the alpha, i'm pushing to beta. Beta means it is "feature-complete" - no new features will be added now. It should also be pretty stable. I'll be working on fixing up bugs in it. Projected release is early December.

I know of the following bugs:
  • cursor moving doesn't always work correctly
  • using ctrl+tab adds a tab to the list
  • tabs don't show correctly
  • pressing a shift, control, or alt gives the following error in the JS console: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: #key- @
  • the "opening message" shown in the output doesn't show
  • pasting with nekudot parses the nekudot as characters

Remember, please give feedback and bugs!! A list of new features is available at

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

TypeR gets copy and paste

Two new features of TypeR 1.1 i want to discuss right now are copy and paste. Everyone knows what that is, right? You have some toolbar buttons, and also keyboard shortcuts. If you have something selected, it copies the selection, or pastes over it. Well, TypeR isn't that advanced - yet. I'd like it to be in the future, but i'm not thinking too much about that yet.


Copy only has a button right now. I wanted to implement a keyboard shortcut (the classic ctrl+c), but the platform i'm using to support copy doesn't seem to be able to work with a keyboard shortcut. I contacted the developer, but he hasn't gotten back to me yet. I'm using the zClip jQuery extension.

Anyways, as you can see if you look at the alpha, the button says "copy all". You're thinking, what, i can't copy only what i selected? I'm afraid not. Don't worry, this button is still extremely useful! In 1.0, people had to carefully select all the text, which is in itself prone to errors, and then copy. In 0.1.0, people couldn't even press the keyboard shortcut, due to a bug fixed in 0.1.1! They had to right-click and copy from there. Sometimes the cursor would tag along with the copied text, which is obviously annoying. (Instead of using an actual cursor, i use a pipe ( | ) that was programmed to flash.
Now, it's just one click of a button!


Now, interestingly enough, paste is the opposite of copy - it only has a keyboard shortcut. There's a button, but it only works in IE. In other browsers, it gives you a message: Sorry, but your browser doesn't allow this button due to security. Please press ctrl+v instead. Here, it will paste at the location of the cursor. If something is selected, it won't over-write it, though. Selecting isn't really supported except for native browser implements.

Warning: technical description in this paragraph. When the paste button is clicked, it sniffs for the window.clipboardData object. Why not just check if it's IE? A) Not all versions of IE might support it; B) Other browsers might eventually support it. If it's not supported, it gives the alert. If it is, it calls the same function that the shortcut does. I'll expound on this after i tell how the shortcut works.
When ctrl+v is pressed, a paste event is automatically sent to the browser. I didn't take advantage of this, and simply check whether ctrl+v is pressed when a key event is sent. Whatever. A non-visible, but not hidden, <input type="text" /> is focused now, before the event finishes running. How is it invisible but not hidden? By setting the width to 1px, so it doesn't take up space, and opacity to 0, so that you can't even see the 1px. After 20 milliseconds, which should be long enough for it to be pasted, the input loses focus, which fires the onchange event. Now this is where it gets parsed. The function called now reads the contents of the input. For each item, it adds it as a character (without saving the revision). When done, it updates (saving the revision). Then, so that new pastes aren't appended to the previous ones, it clears the input.
In IE, pressing the button fills the input with the contents of the clipboard. This calls onchange, and i already explained what happens then.


So, i'm posting this to let you know more about what's coming pretty soon. But, i'd also like some coding help with these. If anyone knows how to fire zClip for an element through code, or if anyone knows ways for other browsers to access the clipboard, please comment, or email it to me. Thanks, everyone!

Undo/redo philosophy

Last week i said i would make this post "soon", but then it slipped my mind. So, here it is.

I'm adding undo/redo to TypeR 1.1. That much is confirmed. What i want your feedback on is this: how often should i add to the revision list? I came up with a few options:
  • Every single modification is saved. This means every time you add or delete a letter, add, remove, or change a vowel, just everything. Most programs don't do that. However, it's the easiest to program, so that's what it is right now.
  • Saved every second. Every second, it saves the current revision. For obvious reasons, it would filter out revisions that are the same as the previous. If you made a small change, such as adding a letter, then deleted it before the second was over, it wouldn't be saved. This could be good or bad. But, if you pasted something, then accidentally undid (so now it's not saved), then you copied something else, it could be bad.
  • Every major change is saved. Every time there's a big change (such as 5 letters different, a paste, or clear), it gets saved. I don't really like this, because it means small changes aren't ever recorded.
  • All 3 combined! This is my favorite idea, so right now i'm planning on doing it like this. Let me explain how it works. It keeps a temporary list of every modification for each second. However, if there is a major change, saves how it was before the major change, the major change, then restarts the second. If the before and after are the same, but there are changes in the middle, it picks the largest change to save.
What do you think?
I'm waiting for a bit of feedback on this before reprogramming it.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Alpha testers wanted for TypeR 1.1.

Although it's only been a little more than a month since the release of TypeR 1.0, development is hard at work on the next version, 1.1.
This is how how it looks right now, at 6PM +2UTC, October 16.

From the release notes:
  • Added clear text button
    • ESC key is a shortcut for this
      • This worked in 1.0 as well
  • Added a copy all button
  • Redo and undo
  • Prompt before leaving the page
  • Reduced filesize by changing HTML onclick attributes to jQuery
 So what does this mean? I'll go over each new feature:

Clear text

This seems simple enough to understand. Whatever you had written disappears. I have a keyboard shortcut to do this as well: escape. This keyboard shortcut works even in 1.0, but at the time i was still considering how best to have a button. In the end i decided to put the buttons on the right of the header, as you can see.

Copy all

This button copies what you've written to your clipboard. I wanted to have a keyboard shortcut, ctrl+c (the traditional shortcut for copying), but couldn't do to technical difficulties. In Firefox, and perhaps other browsers, you cannot use browser keyboard shortcuts until after clicking somewhere, but in Chrome you can. I'm still looking for a fix.
Technical information: This uses the zClip jQuery plugin.


I'm sure you've heard of these before; it's a must in every good program, such as TypeR. They also support the classic shortcuts, ctrl+z and ctrl+y. The undo button is disabled if there are no previous edits, and redo if there are no undone edits. I'm not sure exactly how i should save revisions. Should i save every single change? Group some changes together? I'll blog more about this soon, and then we can discuss it in the comments.

Prompt before leaving the page

I'm sure this has happened to everybody: You're working on something, when somehow your mouse floats over and clicks close, or else you press the wrong keyboard shortcut. Oh no! All your unsaved work just got closed without saving! Except that rarely happens in good programs, because of a dialog that appears before it closes: Are you sure you want to close without saving? Close Save Cancel. This has now come to TypeR as well! In every browser it will warn you before leaving the page (HTML event unbeforeunload), whether by closing, refreshing, or going to a different URL, and in some it will even give you a personal message: Are you sure you want to leave TypeR? You will permanently lose your text. Since TypeR isn't a program with save features, being unnecessary, it has this. I'm considering not showing if you copied out less than 10 seconds ago. What do you think?

Reduced filesize by changing HTML onclick attributes to jQuery

Technical information: In 1.0, i started using jQuery for a bunch of things. One thing i did not use it for was when a virtual key was clicked. Instead i used HTML onclick, which got very repetitive. By switching all the ordinary keys to a single jQuery method, i reduced the HTML file by 1172 bytes (1.14 KB). That's pretty nice!

After all this, i'm sure you're eager to start playing with these new features. Well, you can! I'm opening it for alpha testing now. You can find it here:

Please give me your feedback, whether by on a comment on this blog, or by emailing me.


Friday, October 5, 2012

A new product for web developers - critical.js

critical.js is a JavaScript library containing methods added to the default objects which i deemed important, and difficult to create quality projects without. Most of these methods i coded myself, but a couple i borrowed from elsewhere on the net. These are marked with an asterisk (*) linking to the original source. Some i use myself, such as String.reverse, others, such as, not so much. Whether i use them or not, i hope you find them useful.

Right now, it's in beta stage. Which means... i'd like beta testers! Simply use it in a script, and make sure that it all works. :)

You can include it in the following manner: <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

For a documentation, please visit the non-minified version of the library.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Looking for a translator

I would really appreciate it if someone would take a few minutes of their time to translate the keyboard for me. In 1.1, i want to have a localized keyboard, so the key labels can be viewed in Hebrew or English.
I'd like the following translated:
  • space
  • ctrl+alt
  • shift
  • caps lock
  • tab
  • enter
  • backspace
  • remove nikud
  • page up
  • page down
  • home
  • end
  • delete
To whoever donates their effort, thank you so much!

You can either email me ( or comment on this post.

Fixed some bugs - 1.0.1

I found some bugs in TypeR 1.0. Today i decided to take a few minutes and fix them. The bold bullets are the original release notes, and the notes after that are explanations.
  • Fixed a bug stopping vowels being added to א,ה,ח,ע
    •  This bug came about because i was originally trying to stop a chataf-nikud being added to any but those letters. However, i got sidetracked, and "fixed" the code so that it wouldn't break -- but wouldn't do what i wanted either.
  • Fixed a bug that stopped keyboard styles from being switched
    • I think this was because at the last minute, i changed some HTML, but not the JavaScript references to it.
  • Cleaned up some code
    •  This was code all the way from 0.1, before the website was made! I had the TypeR interface set to shrink if there wasn't enough screen space. This became obsolete once the site format was set, so i just left it in a comment. Comments cost bytes though, so i removed it.
Well, that's it for now.
Just so you know, i'm planning 1.1 already. I'll probably make another post about the features i want in it soon. :)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

TypeR 1.0 released & website updated!

I have decided that we have come to a release date! September 6, 2012, is the official release date of TypeR 1.0, and the updated website that accompanies it.

TypeR 1.0 has a redesigned interface, showing all keyboard modifications at once. This means that if you could not tell what key to press to get a certain letter, your problem is solved! You can see what will be outputted in plain, shift, caps lock then shift, and ctrl+alt.
Additionally, pressing <esc> will clear your text. This is faster than <bksp>ing the whole thing!

On the site, you can now view release notes for each version of TypeR, and also use past versions (if you want to, for some reason). There's a link beneath the virtual keyboard. I also added the Languages page to the site.
Breadcrumbs are shown beneath the header on the page.

In truth, i wasn't planning to do this just yet; i wanted to give the site a bit more of a run-through. However, i accidentally uploaded the new files to the main site instead of the testing site. :P So i just decided to fix up a couple minor things and pretend i released it. It wouldn't affect too many people, as my userbase is very small. :(

Anyways, enjoy!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Internet Explorer is too bad to be used

Common knowledge for web developers is: developing for IE is hardest. It's because Microsoft decided they don't like the way standards are going, so they won't quite follow them.
For example, looks rather nice in most browsers. It was developed for Firefox, so it's obviously best there, but most display correctly.
However, IE doesn't. Prior to my recent change, this is what it looked like in IE9: in IE9 looks horrible.
Image courtesy of bwog from Coders' Shed (original posting)
So now, if you are using IE, you are spared from the horror of viewing this, and instead are redirected to an IE warning page. It includes the classic image of the FF logo eating the IE logo.

So, people who are still using IE (probably because you don't know better), it's time to start browsing! The future of the World Wide Web is coming, and IE is not a part of it (yet).

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

That was stupid

I said in I'll call it an RC that the "3" and "4" keys weren't working. I figured out why.
Because, stupidly enough, i labeled the "3" key as "4", so it didn't know what to make of it.
I fixed it now.

For the people who want it (and to make this post a bit longer :P), here's the new and old code:
<div class="key" id="key-3" onclick="addKey('v','3')">
    <div class="key-1 key-5" id="key-31">3</div>
    <div class="key-2" id="key-32">#</div>
    <div class="key-3" id="key-33">3</div>
    <div class="key-4" id="key-34">3</div>
<div class="key" id="key-4" onclick="addKey('v','4')">
    <div class="key-1 key-5" id="key-41">4</div>
    <div class="key-2" id="key-42">$</div>
    <div class="key-3" id="key-43">4</div>
    <div class="key-4" id="key-44">4</div>
<div class="key" id="key-4" onclick="addKey('v','3')">
 <div class="key-1 key-5" id="key-31">3</div>
 <div class="key-2" id="key-32">#</div>
 <div class="key-3" id="key-33">3</div>
 <div class="key-4" id="key-34">3</div>
<div class="key" id="key-4" onclick="addKey('v','4')">
 <div class="key-1 key-5" id="key-41">4</div>
 <div class="key-2" id="key-42">$</div>
 <div class="key-3" id="key-43">4</div>
 <div class="key-4" id="key-44">4</div>

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Domain moved

You may have seen that this blog is powered by Blogger. It also used to be hosted at But now, i moved it to, using a nice little trick.
Blogger has a way to do this. However, it requires certain things on the part of the domain, which i did not have access to (i'm using a free webhost, 000WebHost). So after about 12 hours of playing with code, i finally got it to work.
The old domain redirects here after loading the blog header (sorry; technical restriction of using Blogger).
One problem with this is that some gadgets don't always load. If you get this, just reload the page.

If you want the technical explanation of how i did it, read on. Otherwise, you can simply skip to the comment box.

I started out by doing some research. I found a page explaining how to use PHP and .htaccess to mirror a site. I did the thing it needed, and it was marvelously simple. However, as is usual with Google products, it's way too complicated. Gadgets wouldn't load on the mirror.
So, i went to a different trick. This time, i tried an iframe. With a bit of CSS, it looked pretty good. I added some JavaScript to adjust the size (to perfectly fill the area) and focus (for scrolling).
So far, so good.
Except now it doesn't have a window title... I try accessing the title element through the iframe, but that throws a security error (it's on a different domain, so, no-can-do). So now i resort to PHP. An XML parser fails. A regex works. (Congratulate me on being able to properly format such a regex.) Yay, now all that is working.
What now? Now, i have to get it so that clicking a link from the blog actually changes the URL. So i try a jQuery solution that, when a link is clicked, it will edit the parent window's URL. Nope. For some reason, it doesn't work. (Maybe i forgot $(document).ready(function(){...}). I always do.)
Now i try editing the target attribute of all the links on the page (which is not a speed-of-light process). This works, until it doesn't. It turned out i had tried to optimize it, but i managed to fix it.
One more thing that i wanted to do. I wanted it to edit the URLs of links pointing to the old domain ( So i simply edited the href attribute. Right? As always, i got the code a drop wrong and needed to play with it.
There was one other complication that i had to deal with. Google seems to like to avoid stressing out their servers too much, so they redirect you from the .com to a country based server. For me, this meant went to This provided a bit of difficulty in testing the domain, and more importantly, changing links. I did come up with a regex (wow, so many regexes for me!) to solve it, so, all's well.

But now, it's all working!

If anyone wants the code for this, they can head over to my post on Coders' Shed (a programmers' forum) with the code.

Monday, August 13, 2012

TypeINT is on SourceForge

I actually did this a little while ago, but i'm only blogging about it now.
I put the source of the TypeINT website up on SourceForge, under the GPL3.
For those of you who don't understand, i'll try to explain.

TypeINT is, right now, open source software. This means anyone can view the source of it. (The source is what makes it run.) SourceForge is a site that hosts sources, to put it simply.
The GPL is the GNU General Public License. It is the most popular open source license. They call it "copyleft". It states that anyone can view, modify, and redistribute the software, as long as they keep it under the same or newer version of the license.

So why did i do this? In part, to give whoever wanted to a chance to see the source. In part, to have an accurate record of past versions of the source.

The TypeINT project can be viewed at
The SVN source at

I'll call it an RC

TypeR 1.0 is being updated from "beta" to "RC". What does this mean? It means you can now sit back and do your typing via remote control. Just kidding, but wouldn't that be cool?
RC is release candidate. It means that if no serious bugs are found, it will be the released version.
Now, in truth, i do have a short list of bugs, but i plan to patch them before releasing.
The upgrade from beta to RC is small; some keyboard keys are better supported than before. Right now, all except the arrow keys (and others that move the cursor), and the 3 and 4 (for reasons i have yet to discover) work on both a standard en-US and he-IL keyboard.

The RC is at

Please report any bugs to Thanks!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Improved keyboard support implemented

TypeR 1.0 has been upped to "beta" status. That means it's 1 step closer to release than "alpha". (After beta is RC (release candidate), then the stable release.)

What prompted me to change the status? Keyboard support. Some "special keys", namely, non alphanumeric keys (`,;.'/[]\ were not working) are now working better. Exact support is browser-dependent. The period, slash, and quote do not work yet, i'm still looking at that.
At the same time, i fixed the rather stupid overlook of not supporting a Hebrew keyboard. Like, some people have it installed, but have no idea how to use it. That's what TypeR is for! :)

I will be breaking one of the unspoken rules of versioning. Beta releases are usually meant to fix bugs, not add features. Alpha is for adding features. However, i have yet to add translating the interface, and it's beta status. So, excuse me for that. :)

One more thing: TypeR is being developed in Firefox, and so works and looks best in it. Chrome is usable, IE is not. I have not done any testing on Safari or Opera.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

TypeR 1.0 - ready for alpha testing

I've been doing some work on the next version of TypeR, TypeR 1.0. Right now, it's in alpha stage, which means usable but still buggy. In order to fix up bugs and add some new stuff, i need some feedback! You can try it out for yourself at
You can send your feedback to me at Please do send me stuff. I want to make it as good as possible!
The TypeR 1.0 alpha.

As you can see from this image, one of the new things is showing all the possible outcomes of pressing a key. In clockwise order, it goes: Hebrew (default), vowels (ctrl+alt), lowercase English (caps, then shift), and uppercase English (caps or shift). In truth, caps does it a drop differently than shift, namely with the non-letter keys, just the way as with your regular keyboard. The current keyboard layout is highlighted in yellow. I plan to have the active control keys "pressed" as well. (Control keys are stuff like ctrl+alt, shift, caps.)

Right now, it mostly works with your physical keyboard if it is an English keyboard. Ironically enough, a Hebrew keyboard doesn't work. I still have to add that. Backspace may not work for everyone. Please tell me if it does or doesn't for you.

Another thing i'd like to have in TypeR is localization (translations). Since this is a Hebrew keyboard, the key labels would be available in Hebrew. If you would like to help with this, please email me (

Enjoy your program!

(I hope i wrote this well enough for non-coders to understand. :))

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Back to work / jQuery

Development on TypeINT and TypeR has, unfortunately, slowed to a crawl, with a speed of 0lpd (lines per day) over the last few months. I've been administrating a site for programmers called Coders' Shed. Check it out at, and we wouldn't mind if you joined. :)

Well, now, i'm working on TypeR again. I'm switching over to jQuery as a base. After changing all cases of document.getElementById("XXX") to $("#XXX") the file was over 2KB smaller. That's pretty nice. jQuery also gives much better methods of adding and removing classes.

Want a sneak peek of what i'm working on? Here's a screenshot of the TypeR interface from right now:
Notice how it now shows the keys from all of the options at once, with the current highlighted. This is to help the user learn the layout of the keys.

Be on the watch for more frequent posts! :D

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

We're not pink

So, when the site design first came out, the blog area had a dark red background. When the site got lightened, it got a very light red background, in other words, pink. Because of that, I changed the real blog's ( background to the same. However, it was pointed out that pink was not really the color I wanted. So, I simply made it orange. :)
I also added a copyright notice to both the site and blog. On the blog, it's at the bottom. On the site it's above the main navbar at the top.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Ads now show.

Yes, I know not everybody likes ads. These ads don't even make me money, like most do! (I still have to set that part up. :P)
Right now, I have a few ads for things I support, like Firefox. I don't have a ton, so it should not be overwhelming.
Pretty soon, I'll also create a system so you can get your own ads featured there. For now though, if you want something advertised, email me with "ads" in the subject.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


We now have a logo on the site! Do you like it?
It was made in GIMP, using File>Create>Logos>Chrome.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Site theme changed!

I finally changed the site's theme to something much nicer on the eyes. :) With this, the blog theme changed too, as I said it would.

Here's what's new:


  • Header and sidebar have new color, and sidebar merges into background
  • Backgrounds of main content are much dimmer
  • Headers are now the color that the background used to be
  • Links become bold and change to the color that the background used to be when rolled over
  • Text is black instead of white
That's pretty much it!


  • Background very similar to background of BLOG section on homepage
  • New header look
  • Different font (Times)
  • Border surrounding sidebar widgets, and below each post
  • Green background on the thing at the bottom of each post (I can't think of a better word for it :P) (Is the green annoying/hurtful?)
How is the new look?

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Blog theme changed

This is related to the complaining about colors post. I got a report that the old background for the blog could cause headaches, and it was a little annoying. In case you didn't know, the background was this:
[nice blog on annoying background]
I chose a red background now, similar to the red in the BLOG section on the TypeINT homepage. The other pages are also themed to go with the homepage coloring, though when that changes, the rest will too.

TypeR is still buggy, but usable

While working on the next version of TypeR, I fixed some bugs that were in the old version. One was so easy to fix, but such a stopper. That was that text couldn't be copied by using Ctrl+C, the shortcut. (I never got any testing on Macs, so I don't know if Cmd+C worked or not.) Instead, it would add the character shown, usually ב. I just added my 1-line (67 character, which is really very little) bug fix.
Click "TypeR" from any page on the site to use it.
Now, happy typing!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Protesting SOPA.

This site is protesting SOPA too! Instead of the [logo goes here] text in the spot where the logo will be (when I design it*), it says [logo would be here, but it's been taken down by SOPA.] Protest SOPA yourself!

*Anybody want to design me a logo? If you have, email me the file. :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Complaining about colors?

After adding the content, I got some complaints about the color scheme, saying it was too harsh, I should add more white space.
So I created a new scheme, and you can try it out at The whole thing has been brightened. I also created a temporary page about the new scheme.
Is the brighter version better?

Monday, January 16, 2012

Site has been filled up!

Until now, the content of was a placeholder page, saying that the website is under construction. Not anymore! True content has been added! It now has the following pages: a homepage, about, and products list. Contact, donate, and language list, and ad pages will be coming sometime this week.

Friday, January 6, 2012

TypeINT is released!

The TypeR program has been released in a beta! Currently, the only character set supported is Hebrew, but more will come shortly. The rest of the website will be in beta mode for the next few weeks.
The TypeR program is a bit buggy, but most of the bugs will be fixed in an update. This update will also add a new feature or two.

Happy typing!